How To Submit Event Form

Step 1: Personal details

In the fields shown below:

  • Enter your company name and PIN (Not Required Fields)
  • Enter your name,
  • Enter your email and
  • Enter your phone number 

Step 2: Event details

Enter the event details such as:

  • Select one of the packages which will determine the features you get,
  • Event name,

  • The date and time of when the event is to hold,

  • An image of the poster for the event,

  • Images for the different tickets that will be available to be sold and

  • The ticket types and their respective prices. For example:
    Early Bird – 1000kshs
    At The Gate – 1500kshs
    VIP Tickets – 2500kshs

  • Finally, if there is any coupon code or discount code, please specify the code and the discount which can be a fixed amount or a percentage to the total amount.

All this information needs to enter in the fields shown in the image below:

NB: Add eTickets Logo On Your Poster & Tickets

Below is the link to download the eTickets logo. You have to use the eTickets logo on your posters as a partner.

Click Here eTicket Main Logo

Click Here eTicket Alternate Logo (Full White)

Here are links to see examples of poster and ticket sizes and designs you can give your designer to be able to create the same size posters and tickets.

Poster image example –

Ticket Image example –

Step 3: Transfer Money Method

The final section of the form is where you select the method you want the money to be transferred to you.

  • You first have to select between two options bank transfer or Mpesa.

  • After the selection, depending on the selection of bank transfer you will have to select the bank name and then enter the bank account number.

  • If Mpesa then enter just your Mpesa account phone number.


Don’t enter bank details if you select Mpesa as the method, and don’t enter Mpesa account phone number if the bank transfer method is selected

Step 4: Terms and Condition, Submit

Finally, after entering all the required details:

  • Click the terms and condition checkbox,
  • Then the “I’m not a robot” text box and
  • Then the submit button.

Step 5: Submit Your Form Now ->

Step 6: Payout Request

Fill in the payout request form as follow:

  • Enter the name of the event for the payout,
  • Your email address
  • Finally, the amount to be requested.


To access the Payout Request form click here.