Get started with eTickets for Free

At eTickets, we are working towards building the largest event discovery platform in the country. We want to help people find events and feed their passions, while helping event organizers sell more tickets.

As an event organizer now you can put up your event for free in front of the right people. You will have the opportunity to sell tickets where attendees discover events.

If you’ve partnered with eTickets, your event will be shown to attendees based on their locations and previous ticket purchases. This means that the audience you reach will be even more targeted — and more likely to purchase a ticket. In fact, people who discover events through the eTickets homepage buy tickets at twice the rate of people coming to an event page via social media.

By focusing your efforts eTickets, you’ll reach a more targeted audience and sell more tickets.

Your ticket to a successful event -> eTickets

Learn How To Submit Event  Instructions